
Community Safety MEC condemns xenophobic utterances on social media

MEC Nkosi–Malobane criticizes xenophobic attitudes toward African people from other countries

The Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Sizakele Nkosi–Malobane, condemns with contempt the message doing rounds on social media spreading xenophobic messages against South African citizens and also calling for South African businesses to be shut down in other African countries.

 “I am taken aback by the message by our fellow African brother perpetuating violence, chaos, and discontent.

“Africans have lived in harmony and peace for many years and dividing them by influencing hatred is uncalled for. This act of utterances must be condemned in harshest possible terms.

“Xenophobia must not be allowed to rear its ugly head in South Africa and Gauteng in particular. I appeal to the citizens of Gauteng and our fellow African counterparts to resist the temptation of promoting violence amongst themselves.

“As law enforcement agencies in the Province, we are working around the clock to ensure that the individual who is perpetuating this violence is brought to book and face the full might of the law,” said MEC Nkosi–Malobane.

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