
Petition issued to the MEC of education and legislature to prevent school conversion

Only seven days given to the MEC to reply or else the SGB will take the next step

The School Governing Body of Samuel Mangala Primary school in Dobsonville has signed a petition following a decision that was taken by the district to turn the school into a special school.

SGB chairperson Boy Boy Kalanyane said that on August, 31 the school principal was told the school will be converted into a special school and informed not to tell anyone and on September 6 two district officials met with the SGB to inform them about the very same thing.

On September 9 the district officials told the teachers that the school will be converted into a special school and that all the teachers will be placed into other schools, “We requested the officials to inform the parents about it and the meeting did not end well because proper procedures were not followed and the meeting was reminded till the parents grievances were heard.

Kanyane said that on the October 3 they called a parents meeting to sign a petition and sent the petition to the restrict.
“October 3 another meeting took place where they talked about the merging of two schools so that one will become a special school. We disagreed and were told that conversion was now cancelled but that later changed to be on hold.”

According to Kalanyane, the officials failed to get back to them hence they drafted the final petition and sent it to the MEC of education and legislature.
“We will continue fighting until the matter is resolved and parents should know that Simon Mangala will not shut down it will continue operating.”

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