
150 sanitary pads to 150 pupils with the #Fillupabox Campaign

Help #Fillupabox make a change to underprivileged girls.

A young woman called Lethabo Sebake has founded an initiative called Fillupabox Campaign.

It was formed to address challenges faced by young underprivileged girls that lack daily essentials such as sanitary pads, deodorant, and toothpaste.

According to Sebake the campaign again seeks to warn young girls not to make bad decisions like dating older men (blessers) in order to gain confidence and money so that they can look and smell good.

“We are encouraging privileged individuals, business sectors, and churches to join us in this world changing campaign and donate any kind of toiletries at our local schools, workplace or churches and one step at a time we will give hope to our youth and the needy.

“We aim to eradicate this problem in all Soweto township schools,” she said.

With the help of Hope Chilwane and other committed individuals – #Fillupabox went to George Khoza Secondary School to address pupils and remind them about the importance of hygiene and education.

The team also emphasized the spirit of sharing and pushing one act of random kindness at a time.

A Grade Eight class received about 150 sanitary pads.

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