Manhunt for rape suspect

The Meadowlands police station has launched a manhunt for an unknown male who raped a woman in broad daylight.

A young woman was walking back home when she passed an unknown suspect who was walking in the opposite direction.

The suspect greeted the woman and he allegedly grabbed her by the neck, strangled her then pushed her to the ground.

The victim who prefers to remain anonymous was overpowered by the perpetrator, raped then left there while the perpetrator fled the scene.

The unknown male was last seen wearing a white shirt, a long sleeve jersey with different coloured patterns.

He was a dark skinned, isiZulu speaker, with an average height of 1.4m and a medium build; there was an evident scar on the left eye towards his ear, with a reduced beard and is believed to be in his mid-30’s.

If anybody has information or has seen someone that fits the description please call the Meadowlands police station and ask to speak to the investigating officer Sergeant Tivani on 011 983 3374/5/6.


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