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Beloved pony found mutilated

Mmabatho found with intestines hanging out.

The Soweto Equestrian Club woke up to a gruesome scene of a pony that had been disembowelled last week Wednesday morning.

The team from the club found the four-year-old pony known as Mmabatho lying dead with her intestines hanging out of her body.

“It is standard procedure to feed the horses at around 7am, so when I arrived on Wednesday I noticed that one of my horses had gone missing.

“After looking around, we found Mmabatho at the back of the horse stead lying on the ground with her eyes wide open and her intestines tied around her body.

“One could see that the person who did this took their time and cut open her tummy while she was still alive because her face had scars on the jaws which shows that she struggled before she died.

“I was disgusted, angered, and heartbroken because I don’t understand how and why somebody would do something like this,“ said Enos Mafokate, founder of the club.

Mmabatho will be missed and remembered as she is one of the horses used by the club to train children and is used for horse rides on Saturday.

A case of animal cruelty with the Moroka police was opened.

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