
No load shedding, but use electricity sparingly

Over the past 39 days, we have had only two hours and 20 minutes of load shedding.

No load shedding is currently taking place and the country only experienced two hours and 20 minutes of power cuts in the last 39 days, said Eskom on Thursday.

“Over the past 39 days, we have had only two hours and 20 minutes of load shedding. And, since it was stage 1 load shedding, this meant that 96% of South Africans still got uninterrupted electricity supply.

“The power system is stable and no load shedding is currently taking place,” said Eskom.

However, the risk for load shedding remains as Eskom operates a very constrained system that becomes more vulnerable when the country experiences unplanned events like breakages or sudden increases in demand.

As the weather begins to warm up, usage of electricity becomes high for most of the day predominantly due to the increased use of air-conditioners, geysers and pool pumps.

Eskom called on all electricity users to continue using electricity sparingly in order to reduce the risk of load shedding.

Businesses and households can make a difference by implementing saving measures in their processes and daily lives. –

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