
MEC for Health responds to the woes of patients at Noordgesig

‘Noordgesig is approximately 3km away from Orlando Clinic, so a mobile clinic is not necessary’

After a number of complaints from local residents about the closure of the Noorgesig Clinic, MEC for Health Qedani Mahlangu says the resolution is on its way.

Mahlangu says: “Noordgesig is approximately 3km away from Orlando Clinic, so a mobile clinic is not necessary.

“The clinic has enough capacity to accommodate patients from Noordgesig as staff members from Noordgesig Clinic have been seconded to Orlando Clinic for the duration of construction period.

“Furthermore, we continue to reinforce our systems such as triaging of patients, which is about sorting patients according to their needs and priorities.

“We also try and ensure that there are no lengthy queues for patients who are there for collection of medication only.

“Chronic patients should be accorded the same privacy that is accorded to any other patient. However, community halls do not provide such privacy to patients.

“In all our encounters with patients, we ensure that patients’ privacy is maintained.”

Mahlangu said the last meeting held with the community of Noordgesig on June 29, was at the request of the Noordgesig community, clinic committee members and NGOs.

“It was agreed that in the event that there are elderly patients (pensioners) who will have a challenge to reach Orlando Clinic, the NGO will collate a list of those with their addresses so that they can be visited by the District Nursing Service (DNS)) nurse.

“The department is still awaiting the list,” Mahlangu said.


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