Mandela DayNews

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo launch Mandela Day

The launch for Mandela Day was a remembrance for when Mandela planted a tree at Thokoza Park for his 90th birthday.

Johannesburg City Park and Johannesburg Zoo launched a Mandela Day celebration yesterday at Thokoza Park.

The launch for Mandela Day was a remembrance for when Mandela planted a tree at Thokoza Park for his 90th birthday.

Johannesburg City Park strongly encourages a greener environment.

“We are in a community that needs to be a healthy community.

“In 2013, as the City of Johannesburg we started a programme of a healthy lifestyle and one of the key elements of healthy living is taking care of our environment,” said Mahlomola Kekana, councillor of section 79 community development.

Children were given an opportunity to release white balloons as a symbol of peace because Mandela loved children and peace.

A lit candle was placed next to Mandela’s tree where the elderly gathered around to pay respect and commemorate the late former president.

Mandela Day celebration is still taking part at Thokoza Park as it is a three day event.


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