
Workout Wednesday: Reasons for working out this winter

Being inactive during winter tends to contribute to weight gains and health issues.

Let’s face it, it’s tough leaving the comfort of your warm place/office on a cold morning/ late afternoon to go workout or rather finding the motivation for exercising.

During winter, these conditions favour eating more food that contributes to weight gain and doing less or no exercise. Fact is, it is difficult staying motivated but in order to take advantage of the benefits of winter exercising, one has to understand  the positives for working out and how to be motivated at all times.


In order for one to be motivated at all times one of the things that requires change is the mindset, the first is having a picture/goal or target to aim for such as a shedding a few kilos, a certain targeted number of reps, running distance etc, so that by summer time you have something to show off.

Keeping a workout log is reminder and one of the effective ways of tracking progress towards that ultimate goal and reason to staying motivated.

Pictures are known to be one of the most effective and common ways of motivation to keep one’s drive alive. Pictures of a desired goal keep the drive to achieve alive.


Winter exercise is a good excuse to get outdoors on nicer days, it is important because being outside can boost levels of vitamin D. In addition, being outside can improve your mood and mental clarity.

Another good reason is that it lessens chances of suffering from Season Affective Disorder (SAD), commonly known as Winter Depression.

There are tons of benefits for working out in winter, below are several advantages that would work for you.

  • Burn more calories – In cold weather the body works harder to stabilise its temperature, thus burning more calories and fat compared to warmer conditions.
  • It stimulates circulation and helps the heart. In cold weather, blood vessels constrict and blood thickens, raising the risk of a heart attack and circulatory problems. But exercise counteracts the effects of cold weather.
  • It brings much-needed oxygen and nutrients to cells throughout your body, including your brain.
  • It strengthens the heart and immune system.
  • It helps dispose of the body’s toxic substances and waste material.
  • It improves sleep and mood.
  • It powers up joints, strengthens muscles and bones

Truth is, it is not always easy working out in winter, but changing your mindset and choosing to engage in exercise does reap rewards that will contribute not only in your physique but your physical and health as well. Being inactive during winter tends to contribute to weight gains and health issues.

In conclusion it is best to take advantage of the benefits of winter exercise to maintain your overall weight and fitness levels.

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