
Eskom tariff increase now effective

Consumers to feel the pinch.

On April 1, Eskom increased its pricing tariffs on electricity by 12, 69 percent.

This will impact on customers and business until 2018 as the National Energy Regulator (NERSA) did pass an eight percent annual increase.

The energy regulator granted the power supplier rights to increase tariffs by eight percent for five years and an extra percentage hike of 4, 69 percent for 2015.

According to Eskom spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe, the unit gets affected immensely by the increase in nitty-gritties such as water, diesel, coal and others.

Phasiwe says when any of these essentials price rises, Eskom has to also adjust.

“We always have to justify to NERSA every cent we spend – accountability for all expenses and compare projections between us and the energy regulator,” said Phasiwe.

A concerned consumer, Siyabulela Masilela said: Life is so inconvenient without electricity.

“Food is also expensive, how are we expected to cope now that the tariffs have increased.

“I am a breadwinner at home and have a two-year-old baby, things are going to be a bit hard for me.”

Eskom urges the public to welcome this sudden but anticipated change and to continue purchasing electricity.


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