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Rugby development to proceed

Re-development to continue despite tension surrounding the matter.

According to ward 30 councillor Sechaba Khumalo, plans to re-develop the Number One Rugby Grounds in Orlando East are well on their way despite the tension surrounding the matter.

The first phase of construction was meant to resume last Thursday but it was delayed by protesters stating that they have a petition to stop the re-development.

The Number One Rugby Grounds is set to be converted into a multi-purpose sports facility, business area and a part of the field will be allocated for affordable accommodation.

Those who were protesting said that they don’t want the rugby field to be turned into a business area but should remain a rugby field.

“We are not against development we want the rugby field to remain just a sports facility. Why have flats in a sports facility?” asked Lawrence Mnyanda, a resident.

He added that the Number One Rugby Grounds is part of Orlando history and re-developing it into a business area would be taking away a very strong history.

Councillor Khumalo said that those who are protesting against development have their own political agendas.

“Most residents are in full support of the re- development, as it will benefit the community. It will create jobs and will also offer young people who don’t qualify for RDP housing and also don’t qualify for bonds an option of affordable accommodation,” said Khumalo.

He also said that it is through projects such as these that Orlando will be turned into a suburb.

“Leaders will come and go, but they should leave a blueprint that will benefit the community even in years to come,” he said.


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