
Pupils celebrate World Read Aloud Day

Story teller Gcina Mhlophe read to the pupils of Mbuyisa Makhubu Primary to celebrate World Read Aloud Day.

Yesterday, the country celebrated World Read Aloud Day and the pupils of  Mbuyisa Makhubu Primary School celebrated the day with one of South Africa’s best loved storyteller, Gcina Mhlophe.

World Read Aloud Day was celebrated in partnership with Nal’ ibali, the national reading- for enjoyment campaign.

Mhlophe read a book  called ‘Sisanda’s Story’ which she had  written specifically for the day.

The book is about a little girl who lives in a game reserve with her parents and her day to day experiences with the animals in the game reserve.

She also told the pupils about the importance of reading and how reading can expand one’s imagination.

“I read a book when I was 16, the book was based in Italy and it explained the buildings in Italy and I said to myself, I will one day go to visit Italy which I have done several times. If it was not for books I would not have have known about this Italy,” she said.

Mhlophe also told the pupils that they should read for their parents and make reading a part of life.


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