
Matrics finish writing exams

Minister Motshekga thanks teachers, officials and candidates for a smooth matric exam around the country.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga has commended all those involved in the delivery of a successful 2014 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination.

Minister Motshekga thanked teachers, officials and candidates for a smooth matric exam around the country, which commenced on 27 October and ended today.

The Minister is satisfied that the examinations have been conducted with integrity and without serious problems despite the threats of protests in some parts of the country.

The department has commended the swift actions of Eastern Cape SAPS, who acted promptly three weeks ago in relocating learners from one school to another after protesters threatened to disrupt the examinations.

The examinations were conducted well with no major incidents affecting the integrity or credibility of the exams.

A total of 688 660 candidates were registered to write the exams this year, of which 550 127 were full time candidates and 138 533 were part time candidates.

These candidates wrote their exams across 6 740 examination centres where invigilation was conducted by an estimated 65 000 invigilators.

A total of 258 NSC question papers for the November 2014 and March 2015 examinations were set by the Department of Basic Education and externally moderated by Umalusi.

Marking will commence on Sunday, November 30, with 41 000 markers involved in the marking of the scripts at 118 marking venues across the country. The marking of the 2014 NSC examinations will be concluded across all provincial education departments by 18 December 2014.

All marks will then be captured on the computer system of the National Department of Basic Education in preparation for Umalusi’s standardization processes to take place from December 21 to 23.

Minister Motshekga will announce the 2014 NSC results on 5 January 2015 but learners can collect their statements of results from their various schools on 6 January 2015 at 8am. –


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