
Angry post office strikers run amok

Six South Africa Post Office vehicles torched.

Chiawelo Post Office and municipal office were set alight allegedly by angry post office employees.

The employees who are on strike for over six weeks also torched six cars belonging to the post office.

According to an eye witness selling vegetables at the post office gate Annan Khoza the strikers chased and threatened them before setting the office alight.

“The employees came in large numbers carrying hand made bombs and bottles containing what looked like petrol and paraffin.

“They chased the security guard away and threatened to beat and burn him.

“Without warning, they poured the petrol all over the building and parking lot and torched six cars that were parked there.”

Another eye witness Mpho Motlana said: “The situation was chaotic and the workers were targeting and chasing anyone inside the post office yard and saying whoever does not  cooperate will be burnt alive.

“I am glad no one was killed.”

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