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MK Party launches its party manifesto in Orlando

Addressing thousands of uMkhonto weSizwe supporters, Zuma promised to fight corruption, create jobs and provide free education for disadvantaged children.

Former South African President, Jacob Zuma presented his newly formed Umkhonto We Sizwe (MK) political party’s manifesto under the tittle “People Mandate” at Orlando Stadium, on May 18.

Addressing thousands of uMkhonto weSizwe supporters, Zuma promised to fight corruption, create jobs and provide free education for disadvantaged children.

He said, “We want our children to study for free, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds because the poverty we have was not created by us.

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“It was created by settlers who took everything, including our land. We’ll take all those things back, make money and educate our children.”

A number of Supporters at the MK Party manifesto launch.

According to Zuma, the high rate of crime in South Africa is caused by poverty.

“Living under poverty and hunger is what create a concept that us as black people we are criminals, we don’t have brains and we have nothing.

“That time is over, because we are good people who are giving, but some people are pushing us towards criminality,” explained Zuma.

During his speech, the former president underlined that black Africans are the people who suffer the most in South Africa, and that there is no race that experiences poverty to the same extent as black Africans.

“When they talk about unemployment, they are talking about us, there is nobody else. When they talk about people who live in shacks, that is us, there is nobody else who lives in shacks except us.

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“When they talk about people who have to leave their families in rural areas and look for jobs in the city and earn small income they are also talking about us black Africans,” he said.

The party believes that through its leadership South Africa will change and that everyone will live their lives equally and freely.

He has also promised to amend the nation’s Constitution to give traditional leaders more authority again, claiming that the increase in power granted to judges and magistrates has diminished their influence in society.

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