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NTF promotes the importance of storytelling in early childhood

As ambassadors of education and leadership, the NTF donated on behalf of one of the residents in Pimville who wanted to give back to a not yet developed ECD in the community.

The Nhlanhla Tshabalala Foundation (NTF) donated books and toys to an Early Childhood Development centre (ECD), Nathi Sinazo Day-Care Centre on Friday, May 10 in Pimville Zone 4.

The purpose of this donation was to promote and highlight the importance of reading, more especially in the early stages of childhood.

As ambassadors of education and leadership, the NTF donated on behalf of one of the residents in Pimville who wanted to give back to a not yet developed ECD in the community.

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Nhlanhla Tshabalala, the founder of NTF said, “During early childhood stages, kids begin to grasp what’s happening around the world through books.

“So, it is very important for us to channel them in a right way with these educational toys and books, hoping that it will make a positive impact in their lives.”

Story telling plays an important role in a child’s life. It can take them to faraway places where they can meet extraordinary people and eye-opening situations to expand and enrich their world. It can also be a great way of helping them deal with real life situations that they need to deal with.

According to Nathi Sinazo Day-Care Centre Principal, Ntombizodwa Fetsha, they work with Nali Bali storytelling from the Pimville library.

They help keep the ancient story telling of our grandparents alive.

Nali Bali use African languages in storytelling, assisting the teachers in meeting their children half way as they teach them in English.

ALSO READ: The importance of early childhood development

“These donations encourage the importance of storytelling to our kids which enables their minds to imagine and visualise the story characters to their level of understanding,” Principal Fetsha explained.

“Today children will show you what they use a book for; they do not tear it or write on it. Instead, they are teaching their parents to read them bed time stories, and this create a bond between parents and their children.”

It is important for parents for practice every night storytelling to their children and not just rely on teachers. By doing this, they nurture a love of language and stories that kids will have for life.

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