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Local women united in prayer for a better South Africa

A prayer outreach in Kliptown to seek the Lord’s hand over the organisations that help those in desperate need.

NGOs, NPOs and children’s rights activists from the communities of Eldorado Park and Kliptown gathered for a joint prayer session at Walter Sisulu Square on Women’s Day.

The 9th of August is a day where South African women are celebrated because of their resilience against daily struggles they face. However, for these communities the need to rejoice this day has lost its value.

Valencia Kock from Mount Olive Outreach that looks after orphans and vulnerable children said, “Due to what has happened to us with our funding being cut off, our children are really suffering.”

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This prayer outreach was to plead with God to not allow innocent children to suffer because of those in power who have defunded a lot NGOs and NPOs that seek to help those in need.

“So, we decided that celebration is not the right thing to do in this season of trying times. It is time that we go back to God and bring these children before the Lord,” she continued.

Women’s Day prayer outreach

When women pray, strongholds are broken, circumstances are changed, healing takes place and miracles happen. Throughout history, women have stood strong at the forefront of monumental change and it starts with women warriors kneeling in prayer.

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According to Kock, it does not help when women of God continue to complain about how bad South Africa has become. They should speak life over every struggle and start believing that they will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

“We want to see people coming back to God. I want us to change the way we talk about our country because through our mouths comes life and death. I want us to start declaring life, peace, safety and love over South Africa,” she said.

This was a prayer session that commanded women to not give up on their country, to secure themselves a position in the kingdom of God in order to be able to stand firm when the arrows come.

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