
Investing in longer, healthier lives

Government to work harder to increase life expectancy at birth to 63 years.

President Jacob Zuma says government will work harder to increase life expectancy at birth to 63 years in 2019.

Life expectancy at birth — which is also a measure of overall quality of life in a country — stood at 60 years in 2012.

“The campaign to reduce child and maternal mortality ratios will continue. This will require the implementation of the National Health Insurance and the improvement of the quality of care in the public sector,” President Jacob Zuma said during his State of the Nation Address.

To help it meet its objective of increasing life expectancy, President Zuma said government would build on the success of HIV and AIDS treatment and support programme by expanding its mass HIV prevention communication campaigns.

Over 2.5 million people are on antiretroviral (ARV) treatment, with the programme set to expand to reach more people.

Rooting out poverty

The President said continued focus would be placed on poverty reduction in this administration.

“Over the past 20 years, government has steadily expanded support for marginalised and vulnerable households through investments in housing, extensions to social grants programmes and improved access to education and primary health care,” he said. –

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