
Pres Zuma discharged from hospital

Minister Radebe slams media reports that the president made unscheduled visits to Durban hospitals.

President Jacob Zuma has been discharged from hospital, on Sunday evening, his office said.

The President was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on Friday to undergo medical tests.

In a statement, the Minister in the Presidency, Jeff Radebe, said President Zuma will continue to rest for a few days and will work mainly from home during his rest period.

On Thursday, the ruling party had also ordered President Zuma to rest after his intense election programme.

“We thank the public for the messages of support and good wishes that have been received since the news of the hospitalisation of the President was made public,” said Minister Radebe.

Minister Radebe also has slammed media reports that the President made unscheduled visits to Durban hospitals early this year.

Minister Radebe has reiterated that the President undertakes two major medical examinations each year, the first one in January and the second one in June.

“This time round, the doctors felt he needed to be hospitalised for a thorough check up following a demanding schedule. The doctors are happy with the results.” –

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