
Madibane Comprehensive 2022 matrics outdo themesleves

According to the school deputy principal, Tokollo Bodila, their matric results are made up of 71 bachelors pass which amount to 80,7 percent of the results.

Intense joy filled the premises of Madibane Comprehensive High School as learfners proudly received their 2022 matric results on January 20.

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The school was proud to announce their 97, 8 percent pass rate as well as topping Johannesburg north schools in this year’s results.

Basetsana Malesa, Madibane Comprehensive’s 2022 best learner Refilwe Mathulwe and deputy principal Tokollo Bodibane.

According to the school deputy principal, Tokollo Bodila their matric results are made up of 71 bachelor passes which amount to 80,7 percent of the results.

“We are overwhelmed by our learners’ performance, this shows that the hard work and dedication that our teachers have put in did not go to waste.

“We are proud to say that most of our learners have attained an admission to higher institution of learning,” Bodila said.

He added that the school has seen an increase in performance from last year’s results and aims to work harder in the 2023 academic year.

“The mood in the premises on its own says a lot because these are the results of hard work, sweat and dedication that our teachers have put in.

The school was proud to congratulate their class of 2022 for the outstanding results.

“These teachers go beyond their scope of duty to ensure that the learners understand and are able to comprehend the curriculum. At times we do not even have to ask them to go an extra mile but they do it from the heart.”

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He added that they are aiming for a 100 percent pass rate for the 2023 academic year.

“We are really proud that our learners held our school flag high. I have mixed emotions at this point because we are talking about the future of an African child, and these are quality results which are rare to find in local schools.”

To achieve their targeted pass rate for this year, more intervention programmes will be put into place to help learners with their lacking subjects.

“We will go back to the drawing board to identity the areas that give us a challenge and rectify them because in 2016 we achieved 100 percent pass rate and we know that the school and the learners are able to produce such results.”

The school strategy according to him starts from the recruitment process and appointing teachers of a calibre fit for their school as well as a good teaching method such as extra classes for the learners.

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“As managers will have to lead by example and inspire the learners to do more and dream more, we also outsource other options by getting new teachers to help where our learners are lacking.”

Reabetswe Sekaya (distinction in business studies and economics) and Lerato Skhosana (distinction in English FAL, Accounting, Business Studies and Economics) were proud to receive their results.

He added that parents are also overwhelmed by the results and they have done their part in ensuring that the learners do well.

“Parents do play their parts but we still have a room for improvement and we will work on that but they do see by our results that we can achieve whatever we put our minds to.”

His advice for the class of 2023 is to remain humble and be committed to their studies.

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