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Residents welcome Shoba’s life imprisonment

The 33-year-old will spend the rest of his life behind bars for being the mastermind behind the murder of his eight months pregnant girlfriend in 2020.

The sentencing of Ntuthuko Shoba has been welcomed by residents, community organisations and political parties all saying it should send a strong message to perpetrators of GBV.

ALSO READ: Ntuthuko Shoba trial date set for October 4

The 33 year old will spend the rest of his life behind bars for being the mastermind behind the murder of his eight months pregnant girlfriend in 2020.

The mood was jovial outside the Johannesburg High Court after the sentencing as Sowetans together with different political parties celebrated in song and dance.

Tshepo Bodibe from Durban Deep where the body of Tshegofatso was found welcomed the sentence and said he still doesn’t understand why Shoba decided to kill someone’s child like that.

“There are various better options than to kill someone who is eight months pregnant. Some decide to walk away while some decide to leave the child with the uncles but killing a woman is the worst idea ever.

“I for one was raised by a single parent and my father was not there but I’m grown and okay, he was supposed to do that instead of killing Tshegofatso,” said Bodibe.

The leader of Soweto Parliamen, Nhlanhla Lux was also there to show his support to the family and the community of Soweto. He said the journey of finding justice for Tshegofatso has come to an end while the journey for Shoba’s rehabilitation begins.

On behalf of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in the Johannesburg region, Thandiwe Mbambala said they are happy with the outcome of the court after two years of seeking justice. President Cyril Ramaphosa also welcomed the sentence, saying it was appropriate for the innocent lives taken in such a cruel manner.

“This was a crime of particular callousness, by a man who had made several attempts on the life of a woman who was carrying his child.

ALSO READ: Sister’s Keeper Movement march against Ntuthuko Shoba’s bail application

“The discovery of Tshegofatso’s body hanging from a tree was a horror from which we are still struggling to recover as a nation,” said president Ramaphosa in a statement.

The sentencing of Shoba comes at a time when the issue of GBV in the country is on the spotlight once again following the gang rape of several women in the West Rand.

As the country commemorates Women’s Month, GBV continues to be a pandemic and pressure is mounting on government and the justice system to act decisively.

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