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Eldos director to attend training in Nairobi

Angelo Doyle attends a two-week second edition Climate Change Justice workshop in Nairobi to better the economy and start reforestation projects starting in Eldorado Park.

Angelo Doyle, the director of His Choice Ministries from Eldorado Park has returned home from the Nairobi Summer School to start work in the community.

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Doyle was one of the young change agents representing South Africa at the second edition of the Nairobi Summer School on Climate Justice at Kenyatta University hosted by Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA).

The two weeks of intensive training was in preparation for COP27 and to better equip the organisation to access climate finance for the work and development needed in African communities.

Dr. Otieno author of the faith-based Education for sustainable development toolkit being handed over to his choice ministries director Angelo Doyle. Supplied by Angelo Doyle.


The Nairobi Summer School on climate justice aimed to encourage young people and climate justice activists, as well as inspire social and scientific innovations that address the vexing issues of environmental and climate justice.

With the knowledge gained, Doyle aims to collaborate with local communities, schools, faith-based institutions and government to launch reforestation programmes across the country starting in Eldorado Park.

This will hopefully result in the establishment of a food forest from which generations will benefit.

“The two weeks in Nairobi were amazing.

“Upon arrival it was mind-blowing to see that there were so many young people from all parts of Africa that all had the same desire to see our community change in whichever way.

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“The challenges that we each face are different. In some countries there is war, famine, lots of floods, extremely high temperatures and low rainfall.

“These changes in the weather have brought us together to mitigate the discussion and dialogue,” said Doyle.

Those two weeks of training have formed cooperation that local communities will have access to beyond the South African borders.

Doyle has already partnered with the Greater Eldorado Park Youth Skills Developed Centre (GEPYSDC) and the Association of Private Providers of Education Training and Development ( APPETD) to start work on the ground.

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