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‘Appalling treatment at clinic’

Ntuli shocked by clinic's mistreatment.

Celimpilo Ntuli said she is appalled and deeply hurt by the treatment she got from Meadowlands Clinic.

The 22-year-old from Kwazulu-Natal came to Soweto in January to look for a job.

Two weeks ago, she headed to the Zone Two clinic  for family planning and she was given a piece of paper instead of a clinic card.

Ntuli said: “The clinic staff asked me if I had a clinic card and I told them I don’t have it and that I left it back at home.

“The nurse then tore up a piece of paper that had my name on it, date, the medication I received and the date I should return to the clinic.

“She said when I get home I must write on my clinic card what is written on the piece of paper.”

Ntuli said she explained that she takes injection for three months but they gave her for two months without asking her.

Her aunt, Cindy Ntuli said the treatment really hurt Celimpilo who came home crying.

The explanation given by the nurse in question is that people from other provinces go to the clinic for family planning and are given clinic cards which they use once and they never use them again.

The management at the clinic met with Celimpilo who relayed what had happened. She received an apology and was promised better treatment.

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