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Phenomenal Women speaking against GBV

Speakers at the event shared their stories of rape, abusive relationships, divorce, and overcoming it all.

A group of women called ‘Phenomenal Women’ from the Kliptown Square Flats hosted an event against Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Chriszelda Jooste-Swartz who is part of the group said that they started the group to support one of their friends who is currently going through a divorce and was physically abused by her husband.

“As we were in the process of planning a small get together some of the other ladies in the complex were interested in speaking about their experiences as well as sharing how they overcame and more ladies started coming forward. We realised that there was so much hurt and pain within our borders where we live and decided to create this event. The aim is to bring women together to speak and heal and also for women to understand that you don’t have to stay in this situation but to know there is a way out. Many times, we judge others but we don’t know what they are going through,” said Jooste-Swartz.

Speakers at the event shared their stories of rape, abusive relationships, divorce, and overcoming it all.

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The group also had Constable Mbali from Dobsonville SAPS and Constable Buthelezi from Kliptown SAPS to advise women on what they can do if they find themselves in abusive situations.

“A social worker specialising on GBV Edith Makhubu and Dr. Nicci Thusi also gave some direction on GBV and services offered through government and other professionals if you need any assistance. We had a special guest; Desiree Oliphant who was a finalist in the Mrs. United Nations in 2016 and also Mrs. South Africa 2020 titleholder. She was also presenting #Switch, her organisation which focuses on encouraging women to be better versions of themselves. We also had a guest singer; Dalene Jonkers who sang beautifully,” shared Jooste-Swartz.

The Phenomenal Women shared that they reached their goal with this event and that was to find healing and to finally realise that they can take a step to be free and to be themselves.

Jooste-Swartz added: “It was time to break the silence. We are faced with GBV in our country on a large scale. Everyday women die.

“Women feel alone and feel that this is what they deserve and over the period of COVID, some were stuck with abusers having to endure endless amounts of abuse all alone. Charity begins at home with our neighbours, people that surround us daily. We realised that we cannot just say ‘this is none of my businesses,’ we need to blow the whistle on GBV and stand together. It all begins where we live. Our very own communities.”

Phenomenal Women are currently in the process of registering a Non-Profit Organisation so that they can continue with their goals.

“Our vision is to teach women and help women understand that they are a powerful influence and their experiences in life doesn’t define them as weak but as Phenomenal Women,” concluded Jooste-Swartz.

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