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An idea of what Durban July would have looked like under normal circumstances

Fashion lovers show off their dream outfits.

Due to the global pandemic, the Vodacom Durban July was this year a digital event, which was broadcast live on SuperSport, however, fans, celebrities, influencers, fashion designers and fashion lovers, who were looking forward to the fashion side of this prestigious event, celebrated the event by sharing their outfits ideas on social media. This year’s theme was Butterflies.
Among fashion lovers who were looking forward and had great ideas of outfits ready is fashion designer and Mayas Mayas founder, Miahs Moloto.

“This year’s theme was one to definitely look out for, Butterfly, one word that encompasses so many emotions. Like many other themes, when I got to learn about this year’s theme I panicked, I personally thought it was favorable to ladies more than gents. This happens to me every year, it takes time to warm up to themes, I’m used to the first week of confusion and the process of getting familiar with the theme and unpacking it,” Moloto said.

“2020 is such an unprecedented time. It got even trickier when the President declared a state of disaster and our country came to a halt, it didn’t make sense how we would still go on and have the July.

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We now understand what it means to be a tech-driven generation and this lockdown has proven that we are ready for a completely digital world. Everything we knew as human contact and social became virtual.

“This year’s Vodacom Durban July became pioneers of digital social events, we were able to still experience the best horse racing event in the whole of Africa’s best while comfortable in our living rooms,” he added.

Moloto’s outfit was one of those that really stood out and he says that the theme ‘Butterflies’ to him meant Freedom.

Mayas Mayas founder, Miahs Moloto showing off his dream outfit- Picture supplied

“It wasn’t easy having to adapt to the new norm but here we are now, embracing and running with it. The theme: butterflies! Meant freedom for me. Yes, I know it seems contradictory because we’re locked down but l looked at it as an opportunity to live life with a little bit of imagination,” said Moloto

“My dream outfit was inspired by new-age tech and the freedom that lies in how light and airy butterflies are. The colour black and silver are symbolic of how gadget-savvy we have to be during this pandemic, everything happens virtually.

“The butterflies on the jacket, shirt, and mask are a reminder to allow ourselves to imagine the future as it is now. It’s a symbol of allowing ourselves to adapt to change and make it work for us,” he said.

Mechanical Engineering graduate, Sulelo Balungile showing off her Durban July outfit idea- Picture supplied.

Mechanical Engineering graduate, Sulelo Balungile was among those who shared beautiful outfit ideas they would have loved to rock at the Durban July and says that she was looking forward to the event.

“I studied at the Durban University of Technology (DUT), so Durban was like a home away from home.

“Living on a student budget was very hard for me to make my dreams of going to the Durban July in an outfit I have created myself from scratch come true. I have been sewing from when I was a primary school learner with my mother.

“This year since my contract ended at work, I found it in me that I needed to attend the July and showcase what I’m capable of. I started playing around with ideas until the one I’m wearing came out to life. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, my dreams were shattered again, but come next year I will be the first one when they open gates,” Balungile.

Disoufeng Pub in Meadowlands had early this year held an event to announce an upgrade to their Durban July VIP Marquee from Soweto VIP Marquee to Gauteng VIP Marquee. They also outlined their great plans for this year’s event.

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