
Spelling Bee Competition to help with vocabulary

Grade Four to Sixes will be the only grades allowed to participate in this year’s Spelling Bee Competition.

The Department of Basic Education and Spell It South Africa have launched this year’s Spelling Bee South Africa Competition.

Purpose of this initiative is to address the poor performance of pupils in language and numeracy.

The department said this plan forms part of its Integrated National and Numeracy Strategy, since the Annual National Assessment results have previously shown that some pupils are struggling in comprehension and numeracy.

It said it hopes this competition will contribute towards improving the pupils’ ability to read and write competently.

“It will only be the Intermediate Phase (Grade Four to Six) classes which will be allowed to participate in the competition which will only be done in English.

“We have faith that this competition will stimulate an interest among pupils in learning of their languages and other subjects,” said the department.

More information on when the competition will officially commence and how it will be run is still to be confirmed.


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