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DA listens to the grievances of Diepkloof residents

Pensioners likely to be affected by the proposed municipal tariff increases.

Last Friday, the Democratic Alliance (DA) held an Imbizo to listen the grievances of Diepkloof residents regarding the negative effect of the proposed municipal tariff increases.

The Imbizo was held outside the Modisha o Botse church, in Diepkloof Zone Four.

The city of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality is set to up its electricity, water, sanitation and solid waste removal tariffs by July 1.

The proposed tariff increases are:

· Electricity (12.1%)

· Water (14.5%)

· Sanitation (15%)

· Solid waste removal (8%)

DA MP Tsepo Mhlongo said, “As the DA we decided to listen to their grievances.

“This was part of our campaign power to the people.

“We believe on Batho Pele Principle as the City is going to implement the increment on the July 1.

“Consultation is important and we have started it in Diepkloof will go in different communities.”

According to Mhlongo Soweto residents owe Eskom more than R4 billion in unpaid services, in fact if it was not for the many debt write- offs the township incurred, the arrears would have been in the region of R10 billion.

“Majority of the residents are pensioners,” he added.

Patrick Maboa (67), a pensioner said “I depend on state benefits as a source of income.

“I was concerned about the rent we were paying.

“How can I be expected to pay R411 for the services?”

He said, “I believe that there must be a democratic municipality, were by the government must consult the people before taking action.

“Most of the people here are unemployed.”

“I want to ask them what happened to the promises that the government made 20 years ago, were we will be given free basic services,” Maboa said.


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