
Presidency seeks input ahead of SONA

The Presidency invites South Africans to have their say about what should be included in the President’s SONA scheduled for later this month.

Preparations are underway in the Presidency ahead of the 2015 State of the Nation Address, (SONA), to be delivered by President Jacob Zuma in Parliament under the theme Together We Move South Africa Forward, which is government’s core message until 2019 promoting collaboration by all South Africans in building a united, non-racial, non-sexist and prosperous South Africa.

As part of the preparations, the President invites input and suggestions through social media on issues people consider important for their well-being and those of their communities that should be included in the speech.

The social media campaign on Twitter and Facebook will run from today until February 6 and the public is requested to use the Presidency’s twitter account and the Presidency of the Republic of South Africa facebook page to voice their suggestions.

The President will convene the Cabinet Lekgotla from 3-5 February in Pretoria as part of preparations, to review the past year and discuss the priorities of the current year.


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