
‘Stand up against abuse’

MMC for Community Safety Sizakele Malobane Nkosi advised Faith Based Organisations to attempt to emancipate women from the shackles of abuse, perturbing them on a daily basis as part of 16 Days of Activism campaign.

Sizakele Nkosi  Malobane  MEC for Community Safety in Gauteng said  45%  of Gauteng women  have reported experiencing some form of violence (emotional, economic, physical or sexual) at least once in their lifetime both within and outside their intimate relationships.

She said this is particularly worrying for a country with one of the most progressive constitution on gender equality in the world.

“The latest released crime statistics 2013/14 provided no comfort either indicating a marginal decrease of sexual crimes from 12 288 previous year to 11021 in 2013/14, indicative of a call of action by the law enforcement agencies to do more in bringing public confidence,” said Malobane.

She added that as much as government and NGOs carry out regular awareness campaigns eluded to by Police Minister Nathi Nhleko, the fact that domestic violence and gender based violence occur behind closed doors, someone known to the victim, makes it difficult to police unless community begins to take an active role in reporting such.

“During this 16 days of activism on No Violence Against Women and Children campaign, my call of action to all men and Faith Based Organisations to attempt to emancipate women from the shackles of abuse, perturbing them on a daily basis,” she said.

She added that we need a paradigm shift to this phenomenon that continues to send unnerving thorn to some women to think that they are no longer free to walk the streets of Gauteng wearing what makes them comfortable.

“The crime statistics released recently reminds us of the enormous task that lies ahead in transforming the fight against women and children.

“Drug related crimes were at 497, whereas sexual crimes were reported to be high at 11021.

“Ordinarily, this calls for a united front to soldier on in working with every organ of the society if we want to arrest the situation,” she said


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