
Why 67 minutes

Ever wonder why do we have to spend 67 minutes to be selfless on Madiba day?

Nelson Mandela’s birthday is on July 18, and the call is out for people everywhere to celebrate his birthday by acting on the idea that each person has the power to change the world.

“Mandela has spent 67 years making the world a better place. We’re asking you for 67 minutes,” said the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund CEO, Sibongile Mkhabela.

The idea of Mandela Day was inspired by Nelson Mandela at his 90th birthday celebrations in 2008 when he said: “It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now.”

The United Nations officially declared July 18 as Nelson Mandela International Day in November 2009, recognising Mandela’s “values and his dedication to the service of humanity” and acknowledging his contribution “to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world”.

Mandela Day: Take action! Inspire change the celebration of Mandela Day aims to serve as a global call to action for people to “recognise their individual power to make an imprint and help change the world around them for the better”, said the Nelson Mandela Foundation.

Nelson Mandela has been making an imprint on the world for 67 years, beginning in 1942 when he first started to campaign for the human rights of every South African.

His life has been an inspiration to the world.

By devoting 67 minutes of their time – one minute for every year of Mandela’s public service – people can make a small gesture of solidarity with humanity and a step towards a global movement for good.

Mandela said at the time of the campaign’s launch that he would be “honoured if such a day can serve to bring together people around the world to fight poverty and promote peace and reconciliation”.

Take action, inspire change, make every day a Mandela Day.

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