
Get to know a beauty queen from Dlamini

The young beauty queen concludes by motivating her peers to try and find something that will help them realise their potential.

From Soweto to the world, young Zenande Mbebe (13) from Dlamini 1 was crowned Miss Pre-Teen International South Africa in March.

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The teenager grew up isolated, which has made her struggle to go outside and play with the other children. However, her introverted personality was always in contradiction with one of her amazing talents which is modelling.

She explains how she started with modelling, “I did not choose modelling but it chose me. I started modelling when I was still at crèche and as I grew up my grandmother and community saw potential in me. That was when they entered me into local pageants.”

According to Zenande when no one is looking she perceives herself as someone who can be boring to the world. Because of being the only child at home full of adults but also sees herself as a creative.

“I am literally boring because I am always in the house. I love to laugh even though I have a very weird laughter,” said Zenande.

“I do not have friends and when I am home alone, I always try to entertain myself with my imaginary friends. There is no way I could get bored,” she added.

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Children, no matter how talented they are they still need an adult who can help them navigate their childhood and the importance of engaging with their peers. It is important for children to have friends in order to learn to care for somebody other than themselves.

Zanele Blose, Zenande’s godmother and personal manager explains how she is drawing her into making playing with her peers and learning from them as well.

“Since Zenande is not exposed to playing with other kids. I have recently stated taking her to church so that she engages with children her age through Sunday school,” said Zanele.

Zenande wants to be a human rights and social justice lawyer when she finishes school. This is derived from her love to speak up for those who cannot. She also believes that modelling gives her the opportunity to speak her voice.

“Because of modelling I have learned to be very open and converse with the outside world. That has made me to be passionate about helping and teaching my community about their rights and how to exercise them,” she explained.

 ALSO READ: For the love of modelling

The young beauty queen concludes by motivating her peers to try and find something that will help them realise their potential.

“It is not everyone that will have a chance to live out their talents like I do. But I want my peers to not stop dreaming and hoping for a better tomorrow.”

She is asking her community to assist her with sponsorships for her soon to be confirmed trip to compete abroad.

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