
School shoes donated to local learners

Beaming with smiles, one of the parents, Mamasedi Lefatle said they are excited and feel lucky to be one of the chosen schools.

The Training Hub in conjunction with Noordgesig Upliftment Committee were proud to be part of the first 2023 school shoe roll out which took place on February 11.

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The day which was in partnership with Knorr-Bremse and Smith BEE Consultancy saw Noordtgesig Primary School learners, parents and guardians gathered in numbers at the school to accept the heart-warming gesture which was pledged by the teams.

Noordesig Primary School learner, Keanore Appolis was among the learners who benefited from the great initiative.

The teams managed to raise and donate a total of 1000 pairs of shoes, with 800 pairs being allocated to the learners before the handover and 200 put aside for the deserving learners.

According to the founder of the initiative, Deevan Smith of Smith BEE Consultancy, the teams were proud to be part of this great initiative as it reminded them of who they are and where they come from.

A total of 1000 school shoes were donated to the learners,

“A lot of us were born and reed in the area, we therefore know how it feels like not to have proper shoes or to even come from a family that struggle to make ends meet.

“This is why we are here today, to break the boundary of classicism that we have seen exist among our communities.

“We want our learners to enjoy their primary school days and to always dream above their current living circumstances,” Smith said.

Smith added that the teams are currently working on more ways to help underprivileged families in the community and would be grateful if residents and local sponsors join in helping those in need.

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“The community belongs to everyone who lives in it and I believe that the partnership between the private and public sector goes a long way, this is why we always encourage the spirit of Ubuntu among the residents. The government can only do enough, our contribution as the community is also vital.”

Smith was proud to announce that all the learners in the school who registered to receive donations managed to get school shoes.

Noordgesig deputy principal, Simeon Mlambo and principal Sibusiso Mayisela expressed gratitude to the teams for their work.

Parents were overwhelmed with joy and expressed heartfelt gratitude to the team for the initiative.

They motivated the teams to continue doing good for the community, especially the learners going forward.

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Beaming with smiles, one of the parents, Mamasedi Lefatle said they are excited and feel lucky to be one of the chosen schools.

A total of 1000 school shoes was donated to the learners.


“We are way more than grateful. These donations go a long way in helping our children and as parents we cannot stress how grateful we are,” Lefatle said.

Noordgesig Primary School principal, Sibusiso Mayisela said “We are hoping that this will shed light to other sponsors and they will also come on board to help our learners because when they have access to basics such a school shoes, their confidence will be boost and it will become easier for them to apprehend what is being taught in class.”

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