
Order to arrest nyaope dealers gives police hope

Nyaope dealers and addicts to be arrested.

The Department of Justice’s announcement that nyaope dealers and addicts will finally be arrested and punished if found in possession of this controversial drug have left mixed emotions on residents.

It has however given police hope that they will finally manage to decrease crimes committed as a result of this drug.

The department’s spokesperson Mthunzi Mhaga said this came after justice minister Jeff Radebe and health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi signed off on the amendment of the Drugs and Trafficking Act on March 28.

Before the act was amended, there were no laws in place to deal with new narcotic substances that were created by modifying a substance’s chemical structure to varying degrees, or finding chemicals with entirely different chemical structures that produce similar effects.

Mhaga said that in the instance of nyaope, a person could be charged for unlawfully being in possession of antiretroviral drugs and heroin.

“The court can impose a fine or jail term not exceeding 15 years for use or possession, but for dealing, you can get a fine or 25 years imprisonment.”

“We hope that crimes related to these drugs like nyaope will decrease. We are dealing not just with users of the drugs but with dealers too and we want to make sure that they are harshly punished with no doubt.”

Moroka Police Station communications officer John Serala said: “Finally we now have the right to arrest anyone found smoking, in position or dealing with nyaope.

“We hope that with this announcement, our members will work really hard on campaigns and strategies to help reduce the usage of this drug.”

Serala said: “This announcement came at the exact time where most of the people in all the areas we are policing in have logged so many complains about their houses being burgled in and properties being stolen by alleged nyaope users.”

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  1. I am very granteful to hear the good news abt ths ppl I wish tht thy could go to different,school,community and tlk wth all young stars out de ,tell dem abt the future is waiting dem to rich their goals is never to late to change ,no one is pefect we all do do mistakes thnx george u can mny young star

  2. My coment goes straight to all the drug related stories published on this paper.Most if not all doesnt provide more of helpfull detail.egNyaope addicts recorver in rehab thats more of the story and Organisation named The Vision but there is no contact detail and the details of what are they doing to help the situation because Drugs is a problem,last e.g of the least is the Article which was stating that drugs need to be dealt with but they never provided any contact so how we interact with them.My point is there seem to be a problem with our NGO’s thats why we have Thousands of registered NGO’s but only 1 over a million survive so lets unite and fight it instead of registering project after another.I am on a Quiting Movement and wishing to start up ((1852 I Quit Movement))which i believe might make a very good impact 2 the community so i think these People by living thier contacts can make it a bit easier for network reasons.well can u help me with @least contact of org which confidently say Yes we are fighting Drugs in M/lands??i will be waiting.

  3. My coment goes straight to all the drug related stories published on this paper.Most if not all doesnt provide more of helpfull detail.egNyaope addicts recorver in rehab thats more of the story and Organisation named The Vision but there is no contact detail and the details of what are they doing to help the situation because Drugs is a problem,last e.g of the least is the Article which was stating that drugs need to be dealt with but they never provided any contact so how we interact with them.My point is there seem to be a problem with our NGO’s thats why we have Thousands of registered NGO’s but only 1 over a million survive so lets unite and fight it instead of registering project after another.I am on a Quiting Movement and wishing to start up ((1852 I Quit Movement))which i believe might make a very good impact 2 the community so i think these People by living thier contacts can make it a bit easier for network reasons.well can u help me with @least contact of org which confidently say Yes we are fighting Drugs in M/lands??i will be waiting..

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