How to eat healthy while on a budget

Follow these simple steps to buy healthy food while sticking to your budget.

EATING healthy on a tight budget doesn’t mean compromising on health. You can still enjoy wholesome foods without overspending. This is particularly important for individuals managing conditions like diabetes.

Also read: Five healthy food tips for your kidneys

Here are six strategies to help:
  1. Plan your meals: Mapping out your meals in advance allows for thoughtful consideration of your nutritional requirements and financial constraints. Tailor recipes to suit your needs, and explore alternatives that align with dietary recommendations.
  2. Shop with a list: Armed with a detailed shopping list based on your meal plan, you can navigate the grocery store more efficiently, minimising impulsive purchases. Additionally, buying items like nuts, beans and grains in bulk can be cost-effective and ensures your pantry remains well-stocked for future meal preparation.
  3. Opt for frozen or canned: Don’t overlook frozen or canned fruits and vegetables as viable alternatives to fresh produce. They’re not only budget-friendly but also have a longer shelf life, offering convenience and flexibility in meal preparation. When selecting canned options, prioritise those packed in water without added sugars or salt, and for frozen choices, avoid those with added sauces to steer clear of unnecessary calories and sodium.
  4. Leverage coupons: Coupons present an excellent opportunity to trim your grocery expenses. Whether clipping physical coupons from newspapers or utilising digital versions online, incorporating them into your shopping routine can lead to significant savings over time. Even small discounts can accumulate, contributing to substantial annual savings.
  5. Consider store brands: Opting for generic or store brand items can result in substantial savings, typically ranging from 20% to 30% compared to name brands. Common staples like canned tomatoes, milk and frozen fruits and vegetables often have equivalent store-brand options. Just ensure you review the ingredient lists and nutrition facts to maintain dietary integrity.
  6. Explore gardening: Growing your own produce – even in limited spaces like pots on a balcony, it can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to access fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only does it save money in the long run, but it also provides a sense of satisfaction and control over your food supply.

Ultimately, with careful planning and strategic shopping, maintaining a nutritious diet while adhering to a budget is achievable.

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