How to implement positive change in your life

Change is important in life because it is essential for personal growth and development.

CHANGE has a negative connotation to most people – it is often perceived as unnecessary or something that requires a lot of effort. However, people fail to realise that we can utilise change for the better.

The concept of change is something that differs for a lot of people. Some see it from an opportunistic point of view, and others see it as a deviation from the norm. Abdul Jack Manack, a former cricket player and motivational speaker, characterises change as a transformative shift in how one approaches tasks.

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“[Change is] to do something different, to undergo transformation [by] replacing or improving [a habit or thought pattern in your life]. Change is an opportunity. Despite the apparent straightforwardness of this concept, many resist change, questioning the need to alter a working formula. Stepping into unfamiliar territory is inherently uncomfortable as habits tend to dictate thought and behaviour,” said Manack.

To implement positive change: Firstly, you need to perform a reevaluation of your life. You need to be able to identify where you are in life and how you are managing. Secondly, you need to identify the area of change. Creating a clear path of where you need to implement change will help make the process easier. Lastly, is to implement the change. You won’t see a change in results if you don’t apply it.

To implement a change in your daily life, you can start small – just make a single change every day. Don’t try to force all the changes at once as that will easily lead to you becoming overwhelmed and will cause you to give up.

Drawing motivation from the positive outcomes that change can bring is essential. Importantly, enjoy the change and embrace the accompanying challenges. Avoid turning it into a burdensome task as this may lead to abandonment.

To introduce a shift in your daily routine, you can:

The possibilities that come with making a change are endless. Don’t let fear or uncertainty stop you from unleashing change.

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