New committee ready to take sports club to greater heights

At the sports club’s annual general meeting, Eddy Bailey was awarded Committee Member of the Year 2023 for his dedication.

THE Yellowwood Park Sports Club recently held its 57th annual general meeting and elected a new committee.

Remaining chairperson of the club, Clive Smith, said he was pleased that the meeting had such a great turnout.

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“I congratulate our incoming committee and am pleased to be working with a formidable team. We will hit the ground running and aim to continue to do our best. We thank the members for their confidence and support in voting their committee in and giving us the mandate to steer the ship on their behalf.

“We vow to give them our best. To the outgoing committee members, thank you for your dedication, time and effort over the past year,” said Smith.

The newly elected committee members were Clive Smith (chairman), Lynn Cox (vice-chairperson), and AJ Fedkenhauer, Eddy Bailey, Erika Jean Smith, Vanessa Thomas and Gareth Michael van Staden as committee members.

Rob Bellars was elected manager and Lynette Sneedon was selected as the club’s assistant manager.

Eddy Bailey was awarded Committee Member of the Year 2023 for his dedication to his role on the committee.

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