
Things you might not have known about watermelons

How to pick the perfect watermelon off the shelf and WAIT, WHAT? I can eat the pips too?

Here are some handy tips for watermelon lovers everywhere:

  1. Learn how to pick the perfect sweet watermelon – every time!
  2. Some different and unusual ways of cutting and serving watermelon.
  3. STOP! don’t throw the peels away, they’re good for you.
  4. WAIT, WHAT!? I can eat the pips too?


1.Tips to pick the perfect watermelon:


2. Clever ways to cut and serve a watermelon:


3. Health benefits of water melon peels:


4. Watermelon pips: to spit out or swallow?

BREAKING NEWS: swallowing watermelon pips won’t cause a watermelon plant to grow in your tummies, as we were all led to believe as children.

Watermelon pips are in fact packed with protein.  So, restrain yourself from spitting the pips at your siblings, and save them for a protein packed snack.

The washed seeds can be sprouted by soaking them in water for about a week, until they start growing.

If you can’t be bothered with all the time and effort of soaking and sprouting, just coat the dried black seeds in a little olive oil, sprinkle with a bit of sea salt, or your favourite barbecue spice and roast in the oven for about 15 minutes. Crack open and eat like you would eat sunflower seeds.

Watermelon seeds are high in protein, vitamin B and magnesium and can be eaten as a snack, or sprinkled over salads or breakfast cereals.


5. Watermelon Art: How to cut watermelon like a pro


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