Diary Dates: 20 – 23 January

Send your events to southlandssun@dbn.caxton.co.za

SATURDAY, 20 JANUARY: The South African Writers’ Circle’s monthly meeting in room G4 at Westville library starts at 11am. Guest speaker Susan Moody will talk about ‘Writing in the Digital Age’. During the course of the year, a series entitled Nuts and Bolts of Writing will be conducted at the circle’s interactive sessions. This month it will be ‘Nuts and Bolts of Writing: Genres – An overview’, conducted by Derek Griffin. A book auction will also be held. Maybe there is something for you? Non-members are welcome. Members pay R10, non-members R20. Take along a plate of snacks to share. Contact Brigitta Simpson on 071-681-8378 or write to southafricanwriterscircle@gmail.com.


TUESDAY, 23 JANUARY: The January meeting of the Port Natal branch of the World Ship Society takes place at the Royal Natal Yacht Club at 5pm for 5.30pm. Guest speaker is Dr John Buchan of Durban with his presentation entitled “A history of Durban’s flying boat service”. There is no admission fee to attend and all are welcome. Direct enquiries to David Hughes on 031-304-9390.



TAFTA Bluff meets every Monday at 9.30am at Bluff Methodist Church corner on Westley and Pearce Road.

All seniors over 55 years of age, both men and women, are welcome to join this fun group. For more information, call Charmaine on 082-556-0946 or Frieda on 083-625-8217.

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