Healthy Chatter – by Georgie

Foods for a Day - healthy foods you can easily include in your daily diet.

Try healthy eating and drinking on a daily basis. No, it’s not what you’re thinking….

Despite all the health warnings about food we need to eat daily, weekly or monthly and what to avoid, there are some things that we really do need to eat at least once a day or perhaps a few times a week, depending on your eating and dietary habits of course.

Below is a list of things you should try and get hold of to keep a healthy mood and balance throughout your busy day and week.

(in no particular order)


A clove a day may keep the sickness at bay.

The dreaded after-smell most people cannot stand but with a good dose of antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties, it has great properties to fight disease. The antioxidants in this wonderful food keeps your heart, colon, stomach and prostate – if you’re a man – naturally, in tip top shape.



A handful a day definitely keeps the bacteria away.

Did you know that these tasty berries have more antioxidants than 40 other fruit and vegetables? This super healthy round berry keeps your heart  beating and your eyes looking sharp. They also keep your memory up to date, and your bladder wall free from germs.


Olive oil

 One of the most healhiest oils in the world they say.

It lowers the bad part of cholesterol while it raises the good side and with all the phenol antioxidants, it makes sure the artery walls are free of any cholesterol build up and therefore the heart can pump the blood freely through the system. It is important to look for the virgin, or extra virgin or cold pressed variety which has no extra solvents, which destroy the antioxidants in food ad oil.
I wont make a witty comparison here.


They keep dentists and doctors away as they contain both soluble and insoluble fibre.
They fill you up, reduce cholesterol and there keeps the heart pumping well. So be sure to have a bite or a drink of the pure juice after a meal to ensure you get the best out of a meal. Chewing the fruit also makes saliva which cleans the teeth and freshens the breath.


Things are always better and greener on the other side I would say.

Thanks to its sulphur content, use this to keep colon, breast, stomach and lung cancers at bay. The smell you get as broccoli boils in water is the good stuff that tell our genes to start making enzymes to kill off the bad bacteria that may be hanging around.


Make your day a green day at least once or twice a week.

Along with the broccoli benefits above, this green leafy plant keeps osteoporosis at bay in your old age. Known to lower the bad cholesterol, improve your IQ and builds your bones due to its calcium, vitamin K and magnesium content. The vitamin A and C make sure you keep the winter bugs at bay and clear healthy arteries to promote a healthy heart.


Eat this to build strong bones from the calcium but use it more for the bacteria known as probiotics. These keep all bad bacteria from stocking up in the gut and limit inflammatory bowel issues, stomach ulcers and any urinary and vaginal infections.


Eggs are good for you and make sure you eat the whole round cooked or boiled portion. They have all eight amino acids to provide all the energy you need to start a great day.


This superfood lowers cholesterol and blood pressure thanks to the special fibre it contains. One cup a day does keep the heart ache and pain away. Okay, well not in that sense but you know what I mean.


Try to add these superseeds to your meals, especially if you’re a female. It has something called lingans, which act like oestrogen in the body and by blocking oestrogen receptors on cells, helps reduce hormone related cancers. Their anti inflammatory cells are said to be good for fighting acne and asthma as well.


 It is known as one of the most powerful healing spices and mostly for improving blood sugar in diabetics. Unknown to most as a blood clot prevention food it has anti inflammatory and antibacterial uses to keep the body healthy as well.


The soluble fibre in beans are great for your heart as they soak up the cholesterol – to be chucked out and not stick to the artery walls. Make sure that you eat all the variety of beans and prepare them well to reduce the flatus inducing post issues. All wind is good wind when it comes to bean eating so do not despair.

Take note that beans contain the most protein of any other plant food, but it is incomplete. So add a portion of food like rice to complete the protein circle.


It is said tea is the most potent source of antioxidants in nature and it has various good deeds under its warming belt. Tea protects you from heart disease, stroke, cancers by preventing blood clots and improving blood vessels by sorting out the bad cholesterol. So do not feel bad when you drink up these days. Make sure it is pure tea of course and don’t drink with meals, as it interferes with iron absorption from food… and not more than 5 cups a day they say.


There are many more foods that you will need on a daily basis and I will add some more for next week.

I want you to make the healthy changes in small doses, and see what you can prepare in advance, to make sure you get all the good foods with their health inducing benefits.


– Georgie


























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