What’s On, South Durban

Send your events to southlandssun@dbn.caxton.co.za

THURSDAY, 13 JULY – Montclair Senior Citizens Club gets together at Montclair Methodist Church hall at 9.30am for a social morning. All seniors in the area are welcome to join in. Tea costs R5 and raffles are available at R1 per ticket. Annual membership fees are R30.


THURSDAY, 13 JULY – Natalia Garden Club meets at 9.30am at the Pigeon Club in Tara Road. Speaker will be Pieter du Plessis on the topic ‘the wonders of Namaqualand’. Join in as a visitor or new member to experience a pleasant and relaxing morning and meet keen gardeners who share their skills by contesting plant competitions. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be available at a fee of R5 for members and R10 for visitors. Annual membership fees are R35. For more information, call Monica on 031-461-3038.


THURSDAY, 13 JULY – South African Military History Society monthly meeting takes place at at 7pm for 7.30pm at the Murray Theatre, first floor Civil Engineering Building, UKZN Howard College campus. The speakers will be Duncan Drew on ‘Kohima/Imphal – The Battle of the Tennis Court’ with a second talk by Robin Tarr, on ‘D-Day, Normandy Revisited’. All are welcome at this interesting evening of military history. For more information, call Roy Bowman on 084-951-2921 or Graeme Fuller on 082-659 -5213.


SATURDAY, 15 JULY – A bird course entitled ‘weavers’ will be presented by Steve Davis at Paradise Valley Nature Reserve Conference Centre, Pinetown from 9am until 1pm. Registration is at 8.30am. The cost is R80 per Birdlife member and R100 per non-member. Take along a notebook and pen or pencil. Take binoculars for afterwards. A print-out will be provided. Tea, coffee and refreshments will be available on arrival and mid-morning. Take your own picnic baskets for lunch afterwards. For bookings call Rowena Pankhurst on 074-495-2406 or email rowenapank@gmail.com


SATURDAY, 15 JULY: South African Writers’ Circle’s monthly meeting is at Westville library room G4 at 11am. The meeting is entitled ‘From Deconstruction towards Reconstruction’. Short stories will be read and deconstructed, thus showing the way towards reconstruction. Members are invited to email their story to southafricanwriterscircle@gmail.com. During the course of the year, a series entitled Nuts and Bolts of Writing is presented at the interactive sessions. This month it will be Nuts and Bolts of Writing: Setting conducted by Wendy Greeff. A book launch will also be held for Patrick Coyne’s Read while you wait, meanderings through the media (with a foreword by Deon Delport, editor of the Independent on Saturday). Special price for SAWC members, R160. Non-members are welcome. Members R10, non-members R20. Take a plate of snacks to share. Call Brigitta Simpson on 071-681-8378 or write to southafricanwriterscircle@gmail.com.


SUNDAY, 23 JULY – Camino de Santiago St James’ feast day at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church, Old Main Road, Kloof starts at 9.30am until 3pm. Blessing of pilgrims, bring and share lunch. Take your own drinks, plate and cutlery. R20 donation for car guard and donation to the church. Call Syl Nilsen on 083-474-8086 or Jenny Rooks on 084-952-0622.


SATURDAY, 29 JULY – Brighton Road Community Church (corner of Winchelsea Avenue and Brighton Road, Bluff) encourages all to support its annual fete which runs from 8am to 5pm. Enjoy a day of fun, food, entertainment and goods on sale including fudge, secondhand clothing, cakes, pickles, soaps, curry and rice and much more. There will also be jumping castles and face painting for the children. For more information email Phyllis on plenstrom@gmail.com


SATURDAY, 29 JULY – Jumble sale at New Forest Congregational Church from 8am to noon. Pre-loved books, clothes and other treasures. Wors rolls, colddrinks and cake will also be on sale.

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