Diary Dates – 29 January 2016

Send your diary dates to southlandssun@dbn.caxton.co.za

THURSDAY, 11 FEBRUARY: KwaZulu-Natal branch of the South African Military History Society will meet at 7pm for 7.30pm. The venue will be the Murray Lecture Theatre, Department of Civil Engineering, UKZN Howard College campus. The speakers will be Donald Davies on ‘Corporal John Joseph Davies VC near Delville Wood’ and Anthony Zabrowski on ‘The Polish Africans of World War 2’. Visitors are welcome to attend. For more details, call Roy Bowman on 084-951-2921 or Ken Gillings on 031-702-4828. More details about the Society may be found at https://samilitaryhistory.org

TUESDAY, 2 FEBRUARY: Stainbank Women’s Institute’s first meeting of the year takes place at Yellowwood Park Civic Centre at 9am for 9.30am. They look forward to seeing all members and prospective members. Members who are on tea duty must remember their plate of snacks.

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