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Merewent Athletic Club hosts Russian Comrades athletes

This year's Russian Comrades athletes were hosted at a night of fun and learning by the Merewent Athletic Club. The Russian team said they are committed to helping the local athletes develop training programmes for the 2025 Comrades Marathon.

THE Merewent Athletic Club recently marked a historic milestone by hosting 11 distinguished Russian athletes who participated in this year’s Comrades Marathon at an event on June 11. Held at St Mary’s Primary School, the event was praised as a tremendous success by the club’s public relations officer, Anusha Jugoo.

Also read: Merewent Athletic Club turns 40

Among the celebrated athletes were Alexandra Morozova, who achieved an impressive second place, Yulia Ryzhankova, who finished 10th and Oleg Kharatinov, the esteemed coach of three gold medallists. Their presence added a layer of excitement and prestige to the celebration.

The evening featured a series of engaging activities, beginning with a thrilling race, followed by a delightful dinner. The athletes delivered speeches, offering deep insights into their experiences and preparations for the Comrades Marathon. They also shared their positive impressions of Durban, expressing admiration for its vibrant culture and supportive running community.

In a gesture of goodwill, the Russian athletes committed to helping the Merewent Athletic Club develop training programmes for local runners aiming to participate in the 2025 Comrades Marathon. This pledge underscores the significance of international cooperation in the realm of athletics.

“The event highlighted the potential of collaboration between a small development club and international elite athletes, serving as a motivator for the community to embrace running,” Jugoo remarked.

The presence of these top-tier athletes has undoubtedly inspired local runners, demonstrating the heights that can be reached through dedication and hard work.

The successful event with the Russian athletes epitomised sportsmanship and camaraderie, transcending borders and inspiring runners of all levels to realise their full potential.

Looking forward, the Merewent Athletic Club is now focusing on its annual inter-club 15km road race scheduled for September. Jugoo said, “An event of this nature is quite costly as fees, insurance, prize money, T-shirts, medals and refreshments, etc, are required.” She has extended an invitation to potential sponsors, urging them to support this important community event. Interested parties can contact her directly at 083 658 8961.

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