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Wentworth lad (6) ready to take on national soccer tournament

Help make Hezekiah Eli Daniels' dream to compete in his first national soccer tournament come true.

FOR Hezekiah Eli Daniels, it would be a dream come true to compete in his first national soccer tournament.

However, the six-year-old has to raise R5 500 to attend the Cape Town Premier Grassroots Football festival where he will play in the Kapstadt Cup set to take place from October 3 to 8.

Also read: Non-profit football club needs help getting to tournament

Hezekiah, who lives in Wentworth, currently plays for Wentworth Warriors Football Club’s U7 team. Taryn Daniels, his mother, said the youngster has been playing soccer since he was three years old.

“I looked for a sport to teach him consistency and focus. He began to fall in love with the game and joined his current team at the age of 5. Over the past year, his soccer skills have grown tremendously, and his coaches have taken a lot of interest in growing him.

“Hezekiah is extremely excited to have this opportunity, so much so that before he goes to bed, he speaks about the skills he is going to show their opposition teams.

“As a single parent, I pride myself in making sure Hezekiah gets all he needs for the game he loves. I support and encourage him daily. However, my only hope is to now raise the funds so that I can make his dream come true of competing in the tournament,” she said.

Hezekiah, a Grade 1 learner at Gardenia Primary School, said, “I would feel over the moon and like a champion soccer player if I was able to go play with my team.”

He added that his dream was to play for his favourite international team, Manchester City Football Club, like his role model Erling Haaland.

“He is very fast, and I want to be on TV just like him when I am older,” he said.

If you would like to assist, contact Taryn on 065 580 2532 or email ohsnapconcept1@gmail.com.

Anonymous sponsors can send funds to the team via their banking account. Bank: FNB, Account name: Wentworth Warriors FC, Account number: 62942571888, Reference: HezekiahD.

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