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One shot winning streak in men’s 4s final at Wentworth Bowling Club

The club’s greens will host bowlers from around the district as they compete in the opening Round Robin section of the Port Natal singles championship.

IN a hard fought men’s fours semi-final played at Wentworth Bowling Club (WBC) on Tuesday, 2 March, the side skipped by Willie Meintjes, comprising Denzil Lewis, Kurt Spack and Johnny ‘Mooiman’ du Plessis, slipped a winning bowl into the head to take a one-shot win over Brian Smith, Rob de Gouveia, Dave Carroll and Moses Nuba and earn a spot in the final against Troy Garland’s valiant combination of Luvuyo Ndava, Simon Garland and Matt Lassak.

The final proved to be an impelling display of precision bowling with both skips drawing loud exclamations from the spectators as they pulled off dramatically impossible shots.

With Willie’s side leading by 18 shots to 17 going into the final end an anticipatory silence settled over the supporters as they witnessed the closing moments of the game. After the concluding 16 bowls had been delivered, Willie’s side hung on to a two-shot lead to take the game and earn their place on the honours board.

Tomasina’s men’s casual bowls played on Friday, 5 March, proved to be a successful outing for Gees Dennis and Craig Pretorius who accumulated a plus 17 shot difference to take the top prize for the morning. Lew Scrooby, Herby Roux and Jim Aitken finished four shots behind in second place and Godfrey Addinall, Eileen du Plessis and Barry Smith left with the week’s sportsmen’s prize.

The raffled roast pork was won by Thys Moolman and the booty from the two 60/ 40 boards went the way of Barry Smith, Tomcat Cavanagh, Maria Cavanagh and Lew Scrooby.

The club’s greens will host bowlers from around the district as they compete in the opening Round Robin section of the Port Natal singles championship on Sunday, 14 March. Some exciting bowling is promised and those wanting to pop down and enjoy the competition are reminded to mask up.

The prize giving to honour the achievers for 2020 will be held on Saturday, 20 March, in the club hall at 2.30pm. Tabs in games will start at 1pm and members are requested to wear club colours. Given the circumstances that prevailed in 2020 competition secretaries, Ken Kock and Jay Retief, are congratulated for the sterling effort they made to complete the quota of competitions in spite of the lockdown.




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