Call for subs ahead of Woodlands BC AGM

The main club will be having their AGM on Wednesday, 25th October in the main hall to start at 6pm.

By Linda Hewer

ON Wednesday, 4 October the any pairs was played at Woodlands Bowling Club in lovely sunshine.

Second session winners were Doug Moore and Bill Hewer on 2+18 and overall winners on 4+19 were Doug Porter and Natalie Botha.

Doug Porter also won the meat raffle.

The R40 was also won by Doug Porter with Honey taking the dregs of R20. Then the heavens opened and unfortunately due to the wet weather, the casual fours breakfast was not played.

On Saturday, 15 October there was a game of mixed fours played between Rina Harper, Bill Hewer, Andy Cloete and David Lloyd against Harold Dix, Gloria Rice, Tom Cloete and Jason Hewer. Harold and his team won 17-14. Members are reminded that their subs are due.

Diarise Sunday, 22 October for the shirts and skirts. To enter a team contact Rina Harper on 076-568-4632. On Sunday, 29 October the main club is having a fun bowls day. If you wish to play, make your name available before 9.30am for play to start at 10am. Cost is R10 per person and after the game the club will have fires lit for a bring and share braai. Bowls will be supplied to those that don’t have any and bowlers are asked to wear flat shoes.

The main club will be having its AGM on Wednesday, 25 October in the main hall to start at 6pm. Members are reminded that their subs are due before AGM. Remember no subs, no comments at AGM. Hope to see you all there.

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