Dix’s men scrape through for fours win at Woodlands BC

Remember to join in on the veranda on Friday evenings for a lovely dinner prepared by Colin Dawson.

By Linda Hewer

AS usual the first week of the month is a pretty busy week for Woodlands Bowling Club.

Wednesday was the open pairs competition where the first session winners were Michelle and Debbie Nortje on a countdown with a score of 2+11.

Second session winners were Doug Moore and Terry Micholson on 2+7 and the overall winners were Bob Hayward and Johan Nel on 4+22. The R40 went to Doug Moore and Terry Michelson took the spoils of R20. The meat raffle was won by Terry Michelson who then donated it back for next month’s meat raffle. Thanks Terry.

The drawn prizes went to skips Ken Thomas and Linda Hewer and the leads were Andy Cloete and Neville Horner.

Thursday was the casual fours breakfast. Thanks to Gwen Tait who sponsored the bacon. First session winners were Terry Michelson, Dave Carrol, Herbie Roux and Rich Blann on 2+11. Second session winners were Allen Fineston, Eve Godbeer and Michelle and Debbie Nortje on 2+4 and the overall winners were Keith Wild, Terry Brown, William Richardson and Johan Nel on 4+26. Jo-Anne Jordaan took nearly all the spoils of the money. She won R100 altogether and poor William Richardson grabbed the last R20. If that was not enough Jo-Anne also won the meat raffle. Well done Jo. The drawn prizes went to skip Peter Tayfield, third Brian Hollis, second Linda Hewer and lead Andy Cloete.

On Saturday Harold Dix, Brian Kimber, Denis Holloway and Bryce Bower played against Bill Hewer, Ralph Mostert, Dave Lloyd and Alan Bower in the men’s fours competition with Harold and his team just scraping through for the win on a score of 16-15.

On Sunday the men, Bill Hewer and Norman Moore and women Gloria Rice and Linda Hewer played in the Port Natal pairs competition. The men drew their first game but lost the next two. The women had a good win in their first game, lost the second game and lost the third game on the last end by one shot.

Remember to join in on the veranda on Friday evenings for a lovely dinner prepared by Colin Dawson.

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