Sun protection vital for weekend hikes

On Sunday, 29 March take a hike to Ngomankulu.

DURBAN Ramblers Hiking Club are well advised to take sunburn prevention methods for this weekend’s outings.

On Saturday, 28 March hikers will undertake Herbie’s hike to Roosfontein.

Call hike leader Werner on 084-206-7836. Meet at 1.45pm in the parking lot outside Westville prison to hike through grasslands and some forest. Ensure you take along enough water. Hikers will meet afterwards for drinks at the Pavilion.

This 7km hike is graded two, moderate.

On Sunday, 29 March take a hike to Ngomankulu. Call hike leader Nevil on 031-705-3122 or 083-977-2475.

Meet at Union Main centre, Old Main Road, Pinetown in time for a prompt 7.30am departure to drive in convoy to the parking place outside Duncan Stead’s farmhouse.

There is no shade on this hike, so be prepared with plenty of water, sunblock, peaks/caps and anything else you may need to cover up or try and keep cool.

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