Confessions of a single mamma: Wing(wo)man

Single parenting becomes trickier when you're a mom to boys of pubescent age, or a dad to a daughter.

EVERY now and then, and as much as we try to keep things as simple as possible due to the ever-changing demands that come with single parenting, drama becomes unavoidable.
In keeping with the true nature of my spirit, where laughter is the best medicine and sarcasm rules, I found that drama can have its hilarious moments amid the chaos.

For instance, how do you keep a healthy balance being a mom to boys of pubescent age, or how does a single dad relate to his teenage daughter.
I found that finding the balance was trickier (and funnier) than I thought it would be. Children grow up so quickly, from being a baby to a teenager that it hits you like a storm when you have a young adult to deal with. I hesitantly decided to not ask too many questions when my son asked me for a razor during a pubescent milestone.

ALSO READ: Confessions of a single mamma: Single Mamma Drama

A heart-jerking moment when you realise that certain things are out of bounds and you don’t have a baby anymore.
Nowadays, with technology allowing teenagers to have access to information at their fingertips, at any given time, I am downright paranoid as to what my sons are up to on their phones. I’d rather them know what they need to know from me, and not from the internet.

Having the awkward conversations have become episodes of a slapstick comedy and I have never been allowed to get away from giving some sort of explanation to the inquisitive minds of my not-so-little boys.
I have the best of both worlds when it comes to parenting, with them being polar opposites in so many ways while staying grounded in the values and principles I try to lead them by while we go through the journey of life together.

ALSO READ: Confessions of a single mamma: Love thyself

Allowing them to speak their minds freely while in a safe space led us to a place where the three of us remain in sync, and gives me a bit of relief as this created an open relationship between us, and I am their wing(wo)man.
Knowing that they know that I will do what it takes, and that I am their go-to person, allows me to go to bed with a fulfilled heart, while praying that this is the way it will always be.

How have you dealt with the challenges of rearing teenagers? Tell us what the most awkward question were asked and your response by emailing

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