
Bluff Showgrounds: Advice to Cllr Prinsloo

Unless a budget is allocated to cater for improvements of the Showgrounds, inviting public input as to how that area could evolve may be a futile exercise.

EDITOR – While it is pleasing to see Cllr Prinsloo address the plight of the Bluff Showgrounds, a timely word of advice – in navigating the way forward, try to avoid repeating the process to which Bluff residents were subjected with regard to the promised upgrade of our beaches.

In October 2013, at a well-attended public meeting, glowing scenarios were put forward as to how the beaches between Ansteys and Brighton could be upgraded in terms of amenities and access. Public input was invited.

Despite a further meeting in November 2014 and repeated requests for the issue to feature on council committee agendas, absolutely nothing transpired. The main reason for that was the refusal of those in power to allocate a budget within which plans and ideas could be considered.

Unless a budget is allocated to cater for improvements of the Showgrounds, inviting public input as to how that area could evolve may be a futile exercise. In any case, the council first needs to demonstrate it is capable of rehabilitating the Showgrounds by restoring its public toilets along with its fencing and proving that it can safeguard the place.



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