God’s ‘little’ creatures – Golden Orb-web Spider

Information and photos by Warren K Dick.

This is a spider that specially fills most folks with terror at the sight of it, simply because it is so large, averaging about 7cm body length. With legs stretched wide, easily as big as a man’s hand. But fortunately these beauties are totally harmless (as one who was accidentally bitten, I can attest to this)

They make a large web, often reaching more than a meter in diameter. This web is made from golden silk, which gives this spider its common name.

Every large spider you see is a female of the species, as the male is less than 1000 times smaller than the female. He can also be seen in the same web as the female, where he has to wait till she’s eating before he can safely mate with her, other wise he himself risks becoming lunch.

Sadly or fortunately (depending on your love of spiders) these only have a life expectancy of around two years.



God Bless


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